Felicity Gown


Product Details

Step into a world of romance in our strapless A-line layered tulle gown—a vision of ethereal beauty. The sheer boned bodice, featuring a plunging v-neckline, is a canvas of timeless elegance. Floral rhinestone beads adorn the bodice cups and scatter at the skirt waist, creating a celestial dance of shimmering sophistication. Elastic bow arm bands, adorned with matching floral beads, add a whimsical touch. With each floral detail and bead, let the dress weave a tale of enchantment, turning your every movement into a dance of love and glamour. Embrace the magic and let your style unfold.

Gowns ship 4 to 7 business days from when the order is placed.

Care: Dry clean only

Product code: A1338